Awesome Louisiana Alligator Season 2014

We had another Awesome Louisiana Alligators Season. We tagged 45 Gators in 6 days. The Longest 11ft the shortest 6ft our average Alligator size was 7ft 4.. We didn’t get the Big Gator that Randell I watched all summer, but he will be Bigger next year.. Kinion Bankston

Our friend Shawn Poirrier was fishing with his girlfriend at a state park when his line got hung up. Trying to free it, he pulled the line and the weight flew back at him like a speeding bullet an hit Shawn perfectly in the corner of his eye, broke his eye socket and cheek bone […]

Karaoke Night with Southern Boyz Outdoors

With Hunting season fast approaching. We had a Awesome night out at Sarita’s Mexican Restaurant in Hammond Louisiana, with Family and Friends. (((Karaoke Night.. LOL..))) We all had fun singing and laughing at each other. Alligator season start Wednesday on the 27, 2014.. Then off to Kansas and Missouri to start the 2014/2015 Deer Season.. […]

2014 Louisiana Alligator Season

The start of the 2014 Louisiana Alligator Season. We’re getting ready for our 2014 Louisiana Alligator Season. We will set our hooks after lunch on the 26th. We will start hunting Alligators on the 27th in the Swamps of the Amite River located in South Livingston Parish right out of the small town of Maurepas […]

Southern Boyz Outdoors Social Media. #1

Southern Boyz Outdoors hit another miles stone this pass week taking over the Number one spot in Likes in Social Media. Kinion Bankston Owner of Southern Boyz Outdoors said Friday. Hard work and being open with people has brought us along ways. I’m sure our time on the top will be short lived. but it […]

Southern Boyz Outdoors Social Media

Southern Boyz Outdoors is Ranked #3 in total Likes in Outdoor Tv shows in Social Media.  Only behind Ted Nugent and Willie Robertson. They’re Ranked #1 in Reach and Engagement in the Outdoor Industry in Social Media. With over 840,000 followers. Reaching over 40,000,000 Million per week. Engaging  over 8,000,000 Million per week. Its unbelievable […]