First up Mama T’s Butterfly Steak NOW MY STEAK I like my medium rare and seasoned really well. Repeat above steps but I hit mine with A LOT of that Southern Boyz Seasoning. Head to the Traeger and put those bad boys on the grill. Prepare your Loco by melting 1/2 stick of butter Grab […]


**Now ya’ll remember soaking determines texture. The longer you soak, the softer they will get** LOUISIANA STYLE BOILED PEANUTS IT JUST DONT GET NO BETTER THAN THIS!

Baby Back Ribs on the Loco Griddle!

Baby Back Ribs on the Loco Griddle  Rubbed with a pepper jelly for flavor and bonding. Black pepper, Salt and Southern Boyz Seasoning, Traeger Q BBQ Sauce. Cook Time. Loco Griddle temp set at 350 Ribs cooked on both sides for 15minutes. Turn Loco Griddle down to 275. Wrap Ribs in Aluminum foil slow cook […]


 Southern Boyz all Purpose Seasoning enhances the flavor of beef, duck, seafood, poultry, vegetables, eggs, soups, stews and salads, even chips , dips and fries. Burritos on the LoCo Griddle *Chop up your ham & beacon *12 eggs in a bowl-season with salt, pepper and Southern Boyz Seasoning (to your liking) BEAT UP! *Fry up […]