Kinion Bankston owner/host of Southern Boyz Outdoors Tv and SBO Social Media goes to Face Book Headquarters.
On Thursday around 3pm Southern Boyz Outdoors Face Book page was hacked into through another administrator. The Hacker deleted all the administrators an took control of SBO Face Book page. The Hacker started posting pornographic pictures and made changes to the page settings.
When asked to describe his important, last minute trip, Kinion was more than Happy to share the story of his journey. “I never slept or ate from the time of the take over to the time the problem was solved. We have allot of Kids and Women that follow Southern Boyz Outdoors and it just turned my stomach when I saw the porn pictures being posted on the SBO page. I tried everything I could do to solve the problem but wasn’t getting anywhere. I bought a ticket to fly to California to the Face Book Headquarters. Thinking I have to stop this now. My daughter found out there is a Face Book Headquarters in Texas. So I got in my truck an started my journey to Texas. When I got there, I was able to talk to the Security Guard, whom already knew me because he and his son follows my Southern Boyz Outdoors page. I told him what was going on. Not long after that, I met another person who works for Face Book he also follows my Southern Boyz Outdoors page. The Face Book team jumped right on the problem, and with in the hour the problem solved, with good leads on the Hacker. I was very touched by having people that work at Face Book following my page an telling me how much they enjoy Southern Boyz Outdoors and keep up the good work on the page (They love how we keep kids involved in the outdoors with our ‘Kids Enjoying The Outdoors post”) I would Like to Thank everyone at Face Book for their help what a Awesome Group of People.”